Original title of the artwork: Il cubo di... / The cube of... "The...
Original title of the artwork: Alla ricerca del Tempo Perduto 15 / In...
Original title of the artwork: Rinascita / Rebirth "The hope of a rebirth,...
Original title of the artwork: Vicine lontananze / Close Distances Alongside...
Almost a self-portrait with minimal colors.
Original title of the artwork: Forme suadenti / Persuasive shapes "Work...
The painting was created during the COVID pandemic of winter 2021. Life asks us a...
Original title of the artwork: Vicine lontananze / Close Distances Alongside...
“The painting was painted at night. I worked all day on a non-standard portrait,...
The painting was created during the COVID pandemic in the winter of 2021. Life asks...
Original title of the artwork: Antigone Komplex / Expectation In the...
Original title of the artwork: Out of Bounds Echo S1448 On these inks...