Original title of the artwork: Finestra sul tempo / Window on Time Maurice...
Original title of the artwork: Pure Beauty S2725 Symbols and signs emerge...
Original title of the artwork: Alla ricerca del Tempo Perduto 15 / In...
Original title of the artwork: I colori del tempo 02 / The colours of...
Original title of the artwork: Antigone Komplex / Expectation In the...
Original title of the artwork: Corsi e ricorsi / Courses and recourses "I...
Original title of the artwork: I colori del tempo 01 / The colours of...
Original title of the artwork: Dita agili / Nimble fingers "Work thought...
Original title of the artwork: Buco nero profondo - polyptych B181 /...
Original title of the artwork: Rinascita / Rebirth "The hope of a rebirth,...
Original title of the artwork: Vicine lontananze / Close Distances Alongside...