Original title of the artwork: Erwartung / Expectation In the 1980s, Clemens...
Original title of the artwork: Paesaggio estivo / Summer landscape "The...
Original title of the artwork: Bosque marino / Marine forest This work...
Original title of the artwork: Dita agili / Nimble fingers "Work thought...
Original title of the artwork: Giochi di forme / Games of shapes "Work...
Original title of the artwork: Bosque redondo / Round forest Each forest...
Original title of the artwork: Corsi e ricorsi / Courses and recourses "I...
Original title of the artwork: I colori del tempo 03 / The colours of...
Original title of the artwork: Forme suadenti / Persuasive shapes "Work...
Original title of the artwork: Alla ricerca del Tempo Perduto 10 / In...
Original title of the artwork: Out of Bounds Echo S1444 “Impressive...
Original title of the artwork: (Pensieri) piccoli piccoli / (Thoughts)...