Original title of the artwork: Vicine lontananze / Close Distances Alongside...
“The big seagull is called 'glarus' in Bulgaria, they are real bandits among...
A modern photorealistic painting, made using a very special digital 3D technique...
The paintings of Stoimen Stoilov in the style "Commedia Dell Arte" are cheerful and...
“The term 'bifurcation point' (from the Latin 'bufurcus' - bifurcated) means...
Music, harmony of color and tone and fragile architecture of glass and marble merge...
The painting is made based on a sketch of an evening act. A powerful image of a woman...
A compilation of details of color, shape and framing in a final composition that...
Original title of the artwork: Finestra sul tempo / Window on Time Maurice...
A fresh view of the boats in Sozopol Marina in blue colours, made with acrylic paints...
A night walk through the streets of the city and the urban scene with the mixture...