Luciano Bonetti was born in Varese in 1946, where he currently lives.
In his long experience, the choice of materials and colours blends with his attentive look at people and society.
Through his works, Bonetti expresses his empathy with Man, with his fears, uncertainties and the conditioning of a world racing towards a difficult horizon.
"Bonetti's art is refined in terms of its form and content, its social and transversal, high and popular message that comes to the aid of our sometimes disconsolate and resigned thoughts. Existence enters his paintings with vehemence. In his latest works made with different materials, often recycled, the powerful synthesis of a line that becomes form, volume and idea emerges in the immediacy of an emotion. The MAN is the great protagonist of his art, with his own anxieties and utopia, the actor of a new possible Renaissance" - Guido Folco - art critic and curator Museo Internazionale Italia Arte (MIIT), Turin, Itasly.
These are some of his international EXHIBITIONS in the recent years:
2022 Vicine Lontananze, Made4Art Gallery, Milano, Italia
2021 Vicine Lontananze, Galleria Arianna Sartori, Mantova, Italia
2020 Fluxus Now, Oratorio della Passione, Basilica Sant’Ambrogio, Milano, Italia
Festival Internazionale del Mediterraneo di Arte Contemporanea, Castello Ruffo di Calabria, Scilla, Italia
2019 Window on time, Jelmoni studio gallery, Piacenza, Italia
Finestra sul tempo, Galleria Arianna Sartori, Mantova, Italia
Memoria di Presenze, Museo MIIT, Torino, Italia
2018 Mediterraneo: ponte o abisso, Cappella Orsini, Roma, Italia
Art Paris, Grand palais, Parigi, Italia
L’azione inconsapevole del gesto, Museo Scalvini, Villa Cusani Traversi Tittoni, Desio, Italia
2017 Viva la vida, Centro culturale Montjuic, Barcellona, Spagna
Italia creativa, Rathaus, Stoccarda, Italia
2016 Mediterraneo e Figuranti, InArte Werkkunst Gallery, Berlino, Bergamo, Italia
From Picasso and Mirò to contemporary artists, Museo Oud Sint-Jan, Bruges, Belgio