Original title of the artwork: Galactic Reverie
Silence, peace of the soul and solitude represent part of the themes in the newer paintings of Iliana Dokova, represented on ArtWizard. Iliana likes to paint elegant female figures and faces inspired by her soul, evoking contemplation, love, tears, separation, sadness, loneliness, but also hidden desires and joy of life. But in her latest works, we can see burning colors, embracing still the contours of some female figures and faces. Galaxy, prayers for peace and shadows inhabit the magnificent works of Iliana Dokova.
Each of her latest works is an investment worth having.
Original artwork
Signed, Framed,
Ready to hang
Unable to sleep, Iliana works nocturnally in her small atelier. There, she creates...
In contemporary art, we need to ask ourselves, however challenging it might be, why...
Original title of the artwork: Playing with the Colors of Your Soul Silence,...
Iliana depicts often the woman soul and body longing for love. She expressed the...