Original title of the artwork: Studio di Libro 3 / Study of Book 3 "With...
The painting was created during the COVID pandemic in the winter of 2021. Life asks...
Original title of the artwork: Bosque redondo / Round forest Each forest...
Original title of the artwork: Il cibo degli dei / Food of the Gods "An...
Original title of the artwork: Il cubo di... / The cube of... "The...
Original title of the artwork: I colori del tempo 07 / The colours of...
Original title of the artwork: Alla ricerca del Tempo Perduto 21 / In...
Original title of the artwork: Finestra sul tempo / Window on Time Maurice...
Massimo Vitali is known for his color photographs of beaches, pools and leisure scenarios,...
Original title of the artwork: Vicine lontananze / Close Distances Alongside...
Original title of the artwork: Finestra sul tempo / Window on Time Maurice...
Original title of the artwork: Plage l’Estaque / Estaque Beach Massimo...
Original title of the artwork: Cala Llosa South_3 Massimo Vitali is...
Original title of the artwork: (Pensieri) piccoli piccoli / (Thoughts)...