The Wheel of Life by Hristo Yotov

Artwork Description

A very interesting and modern artwork, part of the first Collector's exhibition that we offer on the ArtWizard Platform. You can be our next Collector exhibiting or selling artworks on our digital platform and using the unique Virtual Art Space technology of ArtWizard. For more information, please see the About us section, the description of our Services and our Terms of Use.

Artwork details

  • Artwork year 2014
  • Artwork dimensions 70,00 (H) x 70,00 (W) cm /
    27,56 (H) x 27,56 (W) inch
  • Artwork style Surrealism
  • Artwork technique Oil on canvas
  • Additional info

    Signed, Framed

  • 13195

  • #090004

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