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Mr. Brainwash


Mr. Brainwash, the pseudonym of the French Thierry Guetta, is a Pop Art and Street Art artist who moved with his family from France to Los Angeles at the age of 15 and still lives and works there today. With a video camera, Guetta initially accompanied various street artists (including his cousin, the artist Invader) and recorded their nocturnal artistic work on house walls and the like. After Mr. Brainwash met Banksy, he supported him with his exhibition “Barely Legal” in Los Angeles. The two artists decided to turn Guetta's video material into a documentary about the graffiti scene. The resulting documentary "Exit through the Gift Shop", which premiered at the Sundance Film Festival in 2010 and was nominated for an Oscar, primarily tells the story of Mr. Brainwash and his first solo show "Life is Beautiful" (Los Angeles , 2008, a total of 50,000 visitors), with which he achieved a rapid rise in the street art scene.